Mexico to cancel casino licenses granted in the last four years

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, stated this week that his government will not grant new permits to open casinos and warned that if in these four years of government any license has been granted, it will be canceled.

In a press conference, the federal chief executive reaffirmed the position he has been maintaining since 2019 and announced that he would ask for a report on the subject to Adán Augusto López Hernández, head of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) to corroborate the current situation regarding the granting of licenses.

“We are not giving permission to open casinos, and I am going to ask for a report to the Secretary of the Interior because if there is a new license, it will be canceled because the instruction is not to issue casino licenses,” he said, according to the local media El Universal.

“Just as we are not granting new mining concessions, just as we are not allowing the use of transgenic corn for human consumption,” he stated.

The President’s position is not news, as since he took office, he announced that he would not grant any more licenses. In addition, the President had warned that if local governments intend to legislate to authorize gambling houses, they should resort to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, but then he ordered to cancel them.