Canada: OLG looks for potential new operator of Windsor’s casino

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) released a Request for Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) for those companies wishing to operate Windsor’s casino. The RFPQ enables the corporation to prequalify potential proponents based on their previous experience operating a large gaming resort. The RFPQ process will close on May 25. 

OLG’s announcement for the RFPQ is the first stage in the procurement process to select a service provider to handle the day-to-day gaming operations in Windsor. Those that prequalify will proceed to the Request for Proposal (RFP) phase of the procurement.

Caesars has long held the rights as operator of the local casino, but its contract is nearing an end in 2025. It is believed the corporation, which operates casinos across North America, wishes to remain in Windsor.

Duncan Hannay

Duncan Hannay, OLG’s CEO, said: “OLG is advancing plans that will support the long-term vibrancy and excitement of the casino experience in Ontario.”

“Releasing the RFPQ for the Windsor casino is the first step in selecting a highly-qualified service provider that will ensure the long-term competitiveness of the site while continuing to generate economic benefits for the local community and for Ontario.”

While the eventual winning proponent will handle the day-to-day gaming operations of the Windsor casino, OLG will continue to conduct and manage gaming in Windsor, the agency said in a press release.