Better Change to exhibit at Regulating the Game London’s Pitch! networking event

Gibraltar-based safe gambling organization Better Change is participating in the inaugural edition of the Regulating the Game London conference, event organizer Senet confirmed.  

Already established in Sydney, the Regulating the Game conference is set to arrive in London for the first time on September 25-29. The event is billed as a 5-day immersive program that focuses on leading-edge research, regulatory policy and practice, and ethical leadership in the gambling sector. 

Senet describes the event as one that “grapples with public policy challenges, cultivates curiosity and critical thinking, contests ideas, shares insights, and motivates an appetite for continuous improvement and regulatory and sector leadership.” Among the conference’s highlights is the Pitch! @RTG London networking event.

The organizer notes that Regulating the Game brings together industry leaders from across the globe “to share expert content, facilitate discussion, build collaboration, encourage critical thinking, and highlight innovative ideas and technologies that uplift capability, inspire compliance, and realize efficiency and better outcomes for consumers and industry.”

Joining London’s inaugural edition is Better Change, which Senet says works as part of the regulated gambling industry “to build confidence and expertise in people who want to build great careers in an industry they are as proud to work in”, with the company adding that Better Change “represents the majority of people who gamble, positively reinforcing the behaviors that keep gambling enjoyable and safe whilst being cognisant of the issues that gambling can cause.” 

Paul Newson

Paul Newson, Principal at Senet Advisory, said: “Pitch! @RTG London is our first event of this kind and we are excited by the tremendous response and look forward to showcasing leading-edge products and ideas and acknowledging innovation in the sector.”

Pitch! is a key networking event during the conference and has generated a terrific buzz with a strong interest in securing a pitch. Make sure you don’t miss out on this inaugural event secure your conference tickets now,” he added.

Rob Mabbett

For his part, Rob Mabbett, Engagement Director at Better Change, commented: We are absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to pitch @RTG London and be a part of this important event. The regulation of gambling globally needs to take into account the needs of those who consume gambling, ensuring those who play do so safely but also have fun!”

“Better Change brings together a wealth of industry and regulatory experience combined with knowledge of player protection and treatment for gambling addiction. Through our experience, we promote positive play, a concept designed to keep people safe without diminishing the customer experience as well as recognizing the industry’s need to meet their commercial objectives,” he concluded. 

Pitches! already announced include Devon Dalbock, Chief Operating Officer of GLI, Earle G. Hall, CEO and Founder of AXES.aiMaris Catania, Safer Gambling Consultant, SGCertifiedTony Walker, Head of Financial Services & Gambling at ArmalytixRobin Paine and Laura Bedborough of ClientScan; and Shelley Langan-Newton, CEO of the tech company SQR Group Limited. Application for Pitch! London is now closed and the final Pitch! candidate will be announced shortly

Applications are also now open for Pitch! @RTG Sydney running March 10-15, 2024. To submit an application or for more information, interested parties are encouraged to head to the event’s website and submit their pitch now.

We are inviting applications from organizations and individuals interested in delivering short quickfire pitches to stimulate innovation, inspire compliance, and showcase ethical leadership as part of this exciting networking event,” Senet concluded.